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Wallingford, CT
(203) 265-3939

Wallingford, CT
(203) 265-9366

Stainless Steel Annealing
Focused Laser Marking
Laser Marking with no surface compromise
to create perfectly flat permanent laser marking
on stainless steel parts
A quality product needs a quality mark!
If you have medical or aerospace stainless steel parts that need UID's or laser marking, but you do not want any surface penetration so the part can be sterilized, then you need CT LASER’S LFA PROCESS.
LFA is Laser Focused Annealing
Stainless steel can change color during the annealing process as a result from the heat that is applied directly to the metal. This means that there is no ablation or material removed from laser processing. Stainless steel, as an example, will change color at around the time that the temperature reaches a range of 200 to 300°C.
We discovered that we can use the proper temperature laser to penetrate and focus the heat to a very controlled area which allows permanent marking to stainless steel with high tolerance.
Various colors will emerge as a result of the different temperatures applied to the material, and typically the most obtainable goal is a “perfect black". Titanium and stainless steel can produce perfect black markings, while other metals cannot achieve this coloration. Additionally, alloys with a composition of iron will allow for annealing to be possible.
Absence of surface cuts that helps prevent the collection of bacteria
Can generate shades of gray color variations if desired
The marks are easy to clean

FFL (Federal Firearms License)
63 N Cherry St, Wallingford, CT 06492
(203) 265-9366
63 North Cherry Street, Wallingford, CT 06492
Tel: +1-203-265-9366 or +1-860-665-9366 • Fax: +1-203-284-8766
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